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Privacy Policy



July 01, 2024


Specifically, this Policy will inform you of the following





Information We Collect


Why We Collect Information and For How Long


We are collecting your data for several reasons:





Use of Information Collected


Disclosure of Information





Non-Marketing Purposes


Children under the age of 13


Unsubscribe orOpt-Out


Links to OtherWebsites





Notice to European Union Users




Acceptance ofTerms





How to Contact Us


Telephone Number: 877-866-3486



GDPR Disclosure:


COPPA ComplianceDisclosure:


This Privacy Policy presumes that your website is not directed at children under the age of 13 and does not


knowingly collect personal identifiable information from them or allow others to do the same through your site.


If this is not true for your website or online service and you do collect such information (or allow others to do so),


please be aware that you must be compliant with all COPPA regulations and guidelines in order to avoid


violations which could lead to law enforcement actions, including civil penalties.


In order to be fully compliant with COPPA your website or online service must fulfill other requirements such as:


(i) posting a privacy policy which describes not only your practices, but also the practices of any others collecting


personal information on your site or service — for example, plug-ins or ad networks; (ii) include a prominent link


to your privacy policy anywhere you collect personal information from children; (iii) include a description of


parental rights (e.g. that you won't require a child to disclose more information than is reasonably necessary, that


they can review their child's personal information, direct you to delete it, and refuse to allow any further


collection or use of the child's information, and the procedures to exercise their rights); (iv) give parents "direct


notice" of your information practices before collecting information from their children; and (v) obtain the parents'


"verifiable consent" before collecting, using or disclosing personal information from a child. For more


information on the definition of these terms and how to make sure your website or online service is fully


compliant with COPPA please visit


privacy-protection-rule-six-step-compliance. FormSwift and its subsidiaries are in no way responsible for


determining whether or not your company is in fact compliant with COPPA and takes no responsibility for the


use you make of this Privacy Policy or for any potential liability your company may face in relation to any


COPPA compliance issues.


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